Furnishing Hot


Bedding & Textile


Computers & Calculators

Plastic furniture

Health club equipment

Air purification conditioners

Paints & Building materials


Swimming pool equipment

Gymnasium system equipment

Folded doors

Artistic glass windows

Table ware & accessories

Outdoor flooring

Sauna units & Jacuzzi

Furnishing for hotel shopping center

Swimming pool furniture

Furnishing for cruise ships

Automatic doors & locks

Furnishing for beauty centers

Central Ariel & satellite

Radio & T.V systems

Perfumes & Shaving machines

Computer software

Rugs & Carpets

Fans & electric ventilation

Curtains & blankets

Decorating flames

Ceramic & sanitary

Disco furnishing & equipment

Air conditions

Awards & Certificates


Organized by

They are senior-level professionals with more than 40 years of experience in their consecutive fields. They each have an accomplished career in exhibition, trade fair, and conference organization, and are currently the founders and managing partners behind the renowned HACE-HOTEL EXPO, as well as several other noteworthy Expos.